Why you’re eating wrong in Uptown and how to fix it; Showmars New Breakfast Menu
News | Apr 30, 2015
@thtrolleywalk’s self-proclaimed “field guide of sorts to eating local in Uptown… like the “Eat This Not That” book series” takes readers on a stroll through uptown Charlotte’s favorite eateries, dissing the over-crowded, big-chain restaurants, while praising the local establishments. We are proud to make this list!
You can check out the original article and read the excerpt about Showmars’ Breakfast below!
Where you go: Chick-fil-A
Why you go there: Because it’s basically the center of the Overstreet Mall and you can get food in 30 seconds.
What you get: Chicken Biscuit
Where you should go: Showmars
Why you should go there: I love the Chick-fil-A in the Plaza. It runs like a machine. It’s a miracle how many orders they churn through during the prime meal times. But Chick-fil-A is a crutch for many Uptown workers that prevents them from branching out to other options. Showmar’s isn’t exactly an under the radar food-truck-turned-hipster-enclave, but when it comes to chicken biscuits, you’ll get a fresher, cheaper, better-tasting fried chicken for breakfast experience at Showmar’s. And on Wednesdays you can get a chicken biscuit and a cup of coffee for $3.07. You’re not getting out of Chick-fil-A for less than $4
Original Article: http://www.charlotteagenda.com/2261/why-youre-eating-wrong-in-uptown-and-how-to-fix-it/
Showmars is proud to announce that we will soon be rolling out a brand new breakfast menu! Of course, our signature favorites like the Breakfast Farm Plate and Hotcakes will still be available, but we’ve added several new additions to the line-up, increased the variety of options available and added many healthier choices to better serve our customers.
Thank you for being a loyal Showmars customer! We look forward to your feedback and appreciate your support.